
What do you think of Deutsche Pfandbriefbank $PBB (+0,21 %) ?

I still have it in my portfolio at the moment, but I'm about to sell it. It seems to me that it is no longer finding a bottom... 🙄

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- Being a real estate financier in a real estate crisis is just not that great. You can emphasize as often as you like that you are still making a profit...
- Have made very high provisions to be prepared for possible defaults -> dividend will probably be cut. (The share price doesn't like that), but we won't know more until March...
- Have received a sell rating from someone (google helps those who want to know more...). (Does not like the share price)
- Is extremely shorted (the share price only likes it when the shorts have to be closed)

Conclusion: You have to decide for yourself. PBB press releases dated 7.2.24 and 8.2.24 could help you decide. (They are very short, you can definitely invest the 5 minutes)
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@Chandra Thank you very much for your helpful input!
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I quote @DonkeyInvestor: "Is doomed"
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Actually an attractive dividend👍
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@Kronos_ but more price losses. Then it won't do you any good either
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@Dreamliner But now would be a good entry point in my eyes and which dividend stock is known for a steep chart?
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@Kronos_ You said it steeply. Doesn't have to be a rocket. but a downward trend for years is just not that great....
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I think there are better alternatives
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I want to buy the share when it has calmed down.
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It hasn't found a bottom for umpteen years?
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@Dreamliner Find 2021 to the middle has already gone up, only since then in a downward trend. However, it also has a very high dividend, which will certainly have a negative impact on growth performance...
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@DerAkti0naer Well, it felt like everything went up in 2021^^ The fact is, if you look at the last 8-9 years, things have been going steadily downhill
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Keep them, the shorts are already going back. If you don't have any yet, look for something nicer.
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Buy the dip! I doubled my position this week. Even if there is a bit of a real estate crisis in the USA, Pfb still has other lines of business and a decent cushion for loan defaults. So you can sit it out and look forward to dark green price gains in a year's time 🤓
Why do you think they pay such a high dividend? 🤔
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@cyberryder because they pay out a more or less fixed share of the profits, since this profit is much less this year than in the past, the dividend will also be greatly reduced this year, so the current dividend yield is diluted
@xDaweed you didn't understand the irony
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