If you hold cryptos for less than a year, you have €1000 free. If you have held it for more than a year, it is tax-free, if not, you must have the sales taxed with all your income in your income tax returns. I hope I've explained it correctly.
@Buffalo That's exactly what I read. Is this automatically credited tax-free with TR, or do I have to set something, like the tax-free amount for share transactions?
In TR under Taxes -> Tax overview you can set your desired exemption order (max. 1,000 euros). Important: it applies across all assets. So no matter whether you receive shares (or ETF), cryptos, capital gains from interest (e.g. overnight money) etc. -> everything counts in this pot. You are also not allowed to spread the exemption order across several brokers for a total of more than 1000 euros. Otherwise there is a risk of tax evasion.
PS: I am not a tax advisor and you act on your own responsibility ;)
@DerEisenbahningenieur About the crypto: TR has no idea what income tax rate I have. You would have to declare the taxes for crypto in your tax return. Crypto: exemption limit 1000€; shares/ETF: exemption amount: 1000€