Water England Blackrock
Why is Blackrock buying so much there lately? What do they know that we don't wissen🕵️
"Severn Trent PLC $SVT (+0,68 %) has acquired a stake in Severn Trent PLC following a transaction on July 19, 2024, in which BlackRock, Inc. $BLK a voting rights threshold has announced a change in its major shareholdings. The investment giant now holds a total of 7,56
% of voting rights, combining direct shareholdings and financial instruments. This update comes after Severn Trent was informed of the changes on July 22, 2024."
That's almost as much as we all hold in Community $UKW (-0,76 %) hold 🤣(there will probably be new figures tomorrow😍) here too, black Rock is the largest shareholder with over 8%
PS @risk_minister69 there won't be many likes for a stock that is not represented in the community, unless our Blackrock followers like the news 😅