
BASF with figures

The DAX-listed company $BAS (+1,69 %) delivers figures for the past year on Friday evening after the close of trading. According to the figures, the Ludwigshafen-based company generated EBITDA (pre exceptionals) of 7.9 billion euros. The result was therefore roughly in line with analysts' forecasts of 7.9 billion euros.

The company's turnover amounted to €65.3 billion and was down on the previous year.

3 Comentarios

"EBITDA before special items". It's questionable what you can do with that. In any case, EBIT is expected to be € 2 billion. Cash flow at € 0.7 billion
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Whenever I look out of my student hut to the neighbors on the other side of the river and see the towering chimneys of the Badische Anilin und Sodafabrik, I always feel very warm. Hmm. Well, maybe it was the fumes. No matter
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@Pewterschmidt When I was cold in Mannheim, I always went to the Lupi to warm up 🥹
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