
About me:

I've been on the stock market since November 2023, I'm 15 years old. I work a lot and am currently working a mini-job on a €520 basis, so I also work as much as I do other side jobs without the mini-job, so in an average month I make ~ €200-300 in expenses, which is around €25 per month.

$VWRL (-1,2 %)

For me, this is a store of value where I invest €150 per month via a savings plan, and the trend is upwards.

$BTC (-3,26 %)

Where should I start, so for me the price is relatively irrelevant, because the value of BTC exceeds any price! I don't think I need to list the features/advantages just to name a few: decentralized, deflationary, one of the only things you can really own via a hard wallet.

I will most likely hold BTC my whole life and if I have money, even as it stands now I will always buy it, if it is in the €50,000-52,000 range I will go back in with about €500 which would be ~40% of my cash reserves.

I don't plan to sell it, I prefer to buy cheaply in bear markets on dips, exactly the same game.

$EVT (-1,79 %)

I see the investment as an anti-cyclical gamble, although the good news is slowly piling up. I'm going to hold on to it for a bit because I can wait 20 years and, as stupid as it may sound, these €50 losses wouldn't hurt much.


I see it as a small gamble, I find the sector interesting and I can hold it for a long time.

$AMZN (-3,25 %)

I think it's a very interesting buy option at the moment

$PYPL (-1,56 %)

Exactly the same with Paypal and $INTC (+0,47 %) no gambling with long-term investments.

I am looking forward to your feedback, I will gladly accept everything

1558,25 €
12,97 %
25 Comentarios

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Top an investment veteran in the body of a 15 year old. If you keep at it, don't rest and keep training, you will go far! Always remember a marathon is not a sprint. Keep it up!!!
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How awesome! This mindset at 15! When I think about what I was like at that age 🙈

Stay on the ball and educate yourself with good investors. You'll be the envy of everyone around you in a few years!

And don't blow it on "the first great love" 😂

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@Bifge every young man will have this experience, no matter how much you warn him 😂
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@dividend_hunter_304 "You'll be the envy of everyone around you". Anyone who talks is a fool. The connoisseur is silent, or why aren't you registered here with real names? At 15 this business is illegal, I don't believe in it. His account should be blocked, SOS!
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@dividend_hunter_304 That's true, of course 😅
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There are so-called junior depots and my parents buy crypto. So you open your mouth, you're more concerned with other people than with yourself. And on top of all that, you don't even know what you're talking about. I'm sorry if I seem disrespectful now but unfortunately there are so many people like you who are so pessimistic and so on. So please deal with the topic first before you blurt something out loud in public
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@stock_strategist_549 Junior custody accounts are managed by the parents until the child is 18. Nothing to do with trading at 15 etc.
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@PalmPirateTechnocrate get over yourself. He is not trading K0ks but investing (via the parents) in HIS FUTURE with HIS MONEY.

Out of curiosity: why is that a problem for you?
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Respect that you're already earning your own money at that age and that you're still thinking about investing - and that you're working with Bitcoin on top of that! Keep at it, it will take you very far💪
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Why not buy bitcoin at €10,000?
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@Ph1l1pp I was still in kindergarten then, so I bought earlier, but now I'm buying again I have a better start than you
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@stock_strategist_549 I didn't understand much, but of course I'm happy for you 🤓
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I think the community should give him a Premium membership because of his age. But how and where to donate?
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@market_maverick_3 I would accept with a kiss on the hand others want me to uninstall the app
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If I had taken the same path as you when I was 15, I would be a multimillionaire today! Super Levi!
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Thank you, I'm sure you're not doing too badly either
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Sodele... Mr. Fliegenschmidt.
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oh what were those days when you had €25 a month to spend 😅 but great. keep it up and you'll be a millionaire by the time you're 40 at the latest. happy for you
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So far ahead of your peers! Keep it going
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You will die rich ;)
Amazing !
Imagine that when you are 30 you will be an investor with 15y of experience
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Make sure that BTC does not become oversized in your portfolio. It's already too big. Don't gamble, go into ETFs instead. Reason: you start early. Every euro that is not lost in gambling but grows over the next few years will eventually become an avalanche.
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