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Crypto is a bit overweight. Go ahead and make a 400-500 euro savings plan on a world ETF so that it evens out over time. Then you can certainly sleep more peacefully when you are better financially secured.
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3 words. 12 letters. Easy to say, hard to prove: I AM BATMAN 🦇
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as an american, i think he used the wrong decimal separators. "." instead of ","
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Where did I take a wrong turn 🤨🫥
Very nice keep up stackin the cryptos
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………. 🤔
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With your low savings amount, I'd rather put it all into an All World. That's better than so many small positions👀😂.
What feedback do you want? Start entering the figures correctly. Apart from that, I wouldn't touch crypto with a 10-foot pole, but to each their own.
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Blah blah blah blah blah…
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Is that real ???😭
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@California_Dreamin is this profile a hoax or is this guy for real? 🤣
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@California_Dreamin Speaking of ETF Core...your profile has caught my eye several times and each time these hotel stocks catch my eye. Why exactly these?
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If that's the one in the Shart, I've actually been there more than once :) Would you go for a coffee at the competition? Rosewood? That is more suitable for me
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@California_Dreamin No, I'm not afraid of heights. However, I'm not planning to badmouth your employer in public, and that's before I've even had a coffee with you xD would be extremely unwise tactically. No stress. I'm currently sick anyway.
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@California_Dreamin It's not that bad - don't worry. But I don't think you should do that. For me, it has something to do with decency 🤷‍♀️
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