
Sale of 3M

The clearing out of the portfolio continues and today I sold 3M after a total of 1,417 days, after the P&L finally turned green again after several years. The interim loss of a good 50% was more or less successfully sat out.

I have now sold with a profit of a paltry €14.07 (after transaction costs).

Added to this are dividends totaling €477.78 and the proceeds from the sale of the $SOLV WI (-0,35 %) shares after the spin-off of €329.01 after transaction costs.

The return was therefore €820.86 or around 22.9% after all costs, which corresponds to a CAGR of 5.46% p.a.. I'm anything but happy with that, but in the end I'm still glad I didn't sell at the low. I have often thought about it.

The proceeds from the sale will be reallocated to the $VWRL (-1,51 %) at the next opportunity.

3M logo
Vendido x25 en 144,04 €
3601,00 €
1,11 %
3 Comentarios

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Thanks if you sell, the stock will continue to rise 🐻
Target 200 euros
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Would it really have been worse to switch from 3M to VWRL at the low? 🤔
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@DoppelSchlechtMinus In fact, yes. The low was in mid-February / early March 2024, so not even a year ago. Since then, 3M shares have doubled. The VWRL has risen by around 20% in that time.
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