
2 years!

On 17/02/2023 i made my first trade with a clear objective, keep growing my portfolio monthly on between 500 and 1K €, with strategic investments in a mix of individual growth stock, dividend plays and a bit of ETFs. Focused on US and European markets, but mainly US as I believe that the environment they have there is the best for companies and that it will continue to outperform on the long run.

I use SeekingAlpha to help with my picking process and usually go for undervalued stocks with a good momentum.

My biggest holdings at this point are AI infrastructure and big tech (35%), finance, banks in Europe and BDCS in US (15%) and travel (15%), as I felt that bigger oportunities there were than in other sectors (and still are).

I don’t hold cash (just enough for emergencies) and I have 2 mortages at a very low interest rates, on an apt that I rent (investment) and the apt where I live. I could lower that mortages instead of investing in the market, but with the interest I’m paying (l1,35% and 2,2% fixed rates) and inflation, I’m happy to be in debt (and my first apt is paying itself and part of the second). I don’t have other debts, I’m 32 and my investment horizon is long therm.

So far so good, I’ve learned things doing mistakes on the way, i killed winners too fast and kept losers for too long, but getting better on that. That’s the visual summary of this 2 years.


On the process I’ve seen some pullbacks that I (sometimes) used to increase positions that thought were worth it (like $CLS (-4,2 %) ), and I also got used not to panic and think on the long therm.


For now, beating MSCI World, S&P500 and even NASDAQ100, of course with a bit of luck with the meteoric apreciation of $APP (-6,81 %) but with the guts to hold it even when it was 600% up. I have not realized gains (sold winners and losers, so compensated), so no taxes paid yet, except on dividends. I’m sharing gross profit here.

I’m trying not to have more than 50 picks, so at this point I either increase positions or sometimes sell before buying new ones.

I’ve been lucky enough to start on a 2 year period that markets have been constantly going up, and I don’t expect this kind of performance on the future (2024 was exceptional). We’ll see how I manage on a worse environment!

71.095,40 €
65,86 %
4 Comentarios

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@SemiGrowth if I can’t celebrate and share my progress with the investor comunity…
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@Carles no, no, thats a compliment xD. You did great with $APP. I am "only" 600% up rn
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@SemiGrowth jajaja sorry I understood it as if I was showing off, and was just sharing my story!
$APP run has been crazy, hope they can keep delivering, that’s a real gigachad 🤣
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