
+++Breaking news: CEO @Simpson sold his entire position yesterday+++

The CEO no longer seems to be convinced of the company's success. We in the legal department have little insight into the operational business, so we are following the CEO on his new path.

Greencoat UK Wind logo
Vendido x10200 en 1,61 €
16.422,00 €
3,16 %
17 Comentarios

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now you could join $VWS:)
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Congratulations. All the getquin sales alone should send the share price plummeting once again 😁. @InvestmentPapa When are you leaving the sinking ship?
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@DonkeyInvestor Who says I'm still on it. 🤨 And who can tell me how long I've been down? 🙃
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@DonkeyInvestor Last order: 28.06.2024. Three guesses... 😉 By the way, a look at my portfolio is highly recommended. 😅
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@InvestmentPapa You have violated the first rule of the UKW Damned Club: All purchases and sales must be posted publicly. Otherwise they are invalid and will be punished with imprisonment of up to 5 years
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@InvestmentPapa What is it like to be a boring ETF investor? It's funny, isn't it? Getquin brought us to ETF and now we don't need getquin anymore
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@DonkeyInvestor You've got it. In my case, I've actually gone back to basics. I started out with funds. Then later ETFs. Apart from the three individual companies I had, that was my basic stock. In the meantime, I've simply moved away from them completely and only still have NIBE (out of love, but more love-hate...) in my portfolio. The rest is indeed as simple as possible. And... it allows me freedom in my everyday life. Without stress. I already have more than enough of that through work (stock market, gold, silver, platinum, foreign exchange). 🫡
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@InvestmentPapa Do I believe it? Just don't say anything. Where are we going if we do this in secret❔?
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@GoDividend Very serious answer: I have already thought about what effect this could have if you suddenly detach yourself from Getquin with a reach - we are not talking about share prices or any kind of imagined influence on them, but already about a follower count of over 1000 people and certainly including some investors in participating companies (including gambling companies). As I myself am an advocate of thinking for myself and reflecting, I have decided to take the easy way out. Since my portfolio is visible to everyone, so the departure of companies or investments is also recognizable, I felt it was up to each person here to think about it themselves. I have also become far too inactive here (even though I read an incredible amount here and sometimes reply....) to then have to justify myself again in individual case decisions or "hang around for hours" on Getquin to find explanations - instead of spending time with my son and wife. Since I've completely switched back to ETFs, gold and the cooperative, I'm feeling better. Also in terms of time.

Sorry for not sorry. But this time I can't think of a funny answer. I think this needs to be answered seriously if it's asked directly. 🤝
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@InvestmentPapa really good. Share your thoughts (even if I chose more self-expression) but since I only have ETFs in my portfolio, there's nothing more to report 😅
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Yes, am I the only one without price losses when selling?
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@GoDividend whoever buys and sells first wins
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@GoDividend I already left last year :) 1,83
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What happened at $UKW that everyone is selling? @lawinvest @Simpson
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I have now bought another 113 shares at a price of €1.50. 🤗
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