
Into the new year with motivation

Now that the new year has started, I have gathered motivation to clean up/adjust my portfolio a bit.

I have liquidated some positions and chosen the $VWRL (-1,13 %) as my core ETF. I would like to expand this further so that around 60-70% of my portfolio is covered by ETFs.

At the moment, my portfolio is still quite tech-heavy. I plan to reduce some positions, but would still like to benefit from the growth of individual stocks. I recently built up another position in $EQQQ (-1,21 %) which tilts my portfolio even more towards technology. I still need to think about how I want to deal with technology in the long term.

I have also realized that my portfolio is heavily dependent on North America.

My aim in the future is to reduce the many individual positions and concentrate on my ETF and a few stocks where I believe there will be strong growth.

I also plan to invest CHF 700 per month. I still need to plan exactly how I will allocate the money.

As last time, I'm always happy to receive tips and constructive criticism! I'm still quite new to the world of investing and am learning every day.

Thanks to everyone who took the time to read my post! :D

3088,04 CHF
11,42 %
13 Comentarios

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Grüezi. I don't see a problem with 70% North America. If you want to diversify but don't want EM, you can look at an India ETF.
Instead of reducing the positions, you can continue to add to them, they are solid stocks for me
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@wasi Thanks for your tips. Yes, I also think they are solid stocks, but I have the feeling that I am investing too much in technology companies with this portfolio and therefore taking unnecessary risk. Although I assume that most of these companies will help my portfolio in the coming years.

Great, a good idea with the India ETF, I'll do some research.
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In my opinion, America will continue to be the driver in the future, so I don't see a problem with the weighting. With an SP500 ETF you can diversify more broadly in America and add a World ETF as a balance. You can also add the CH market as additional security
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@sunbeam74 Thanks for your assessment, I'll give it some more thought :)

But a broader diversification in America would probably be worth considering. How would you weight the individual ETFs, if you don't mind me asking?
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@Kazuo 3/4 VUSA and 1/4 EQQQ.
I am also invested in roughly the same way. Heavily tech-heavy, but tech will set the tone for the next 10 years with the whole AI and robotics theme, in my opinion.
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Out of curiosity: any particular reason why you don’t hold more stocks in your national currency? It would limit the currency risk. Swiss has several great companies.
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@ColdWaterDiver Good point, Erwin. I do get my payouts directly in the foreign currency on Yuh, which gives me some flexibility regarding currency risk. But you’re absolutely right about the value of Swiss companies. Do you have any particular Swiss stocks you would recommend at the moment?
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At the moment chemical markets are facing headwinds in Europe. Outlook is that they will recover end of 2025/Q1 2026. That would give an opportunity for Lonza and/or Novartis. You could also think of UBS/ABB / Sika or VAT group. For my own portfolio: i have Nestle (and building) and i am looking to add UBS mid 2025 and Novartis end 2025.
Hello. I am looking for a solid broker for a colleague in Switzerland which one do you use if I may ask.
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@Khalaf17 am with YUH and Swissqoute myself
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@Khalaf17 At the moment I mainly use YUH as well as @sunbeam74. Since I hold my positions for longer anyway and I find the display/simplicity of the app on my cell phone very pleasant. It's just a bit tedious to add everything manually :D But for my small portfolio it works quite well at the moment.
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@Kazuo yes, it would be cool if getquin could automate YUH :-)
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@sunbeam74 Maybe we should write this somewhere every day from today until it's done :P
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