

We all love saving taxes, so from tomorrow gold will be held in $EWG2 (+1,49 %) held

iShares Physical Gold ETC logo
Vendido x102 en 51,08 €
5209,75 €
4,88 %
17 Comentarios

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Mega, I think gold is always a good decision 👍
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@ItsOlafSnowman you can never go wrong with it :)
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That's right 😃
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Have you ever wondered why it's called Euwax II and what actually happened to Euwax I? 😅

Small spoiler: Euwax I was also tax-exempt until it wasn't.

When it comes to tax avoidance, physical gold is the best option. Everything else is subject to state arbitrariness.
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@Epi fair but then I'll buy the Euwax 3 when the 2 is taxed
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@ETF_Jesus... and pay tax on your 2? And then on the 3?

EuwaxI was a night and fog operation back then. Where will we end up if investors can simply escape the theft of the state?
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@Epi fair, then I buy Krugerrands
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@ETF_Jesus Yup, the better choice for tax avoidance.
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Why is $EWG2 not available on Scalable Capital for me? Is it only available in Germany?
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@TAHT probably then…
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What are the costs of Euwax and how does it differ from Ishares etc.?
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@Aktien4Million euwax 2 is tax-free after 1 year of holding and the TER is 0%
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@ETF_Jesus so if I have a savings plan on it for 5 year, and sell them after 5 year, the profit will be tax free?
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@bettercall works according to the FIFO principle I assume
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@ETF_Jesus Ya, did some digging and understood it.
Isn't the Physical Gold ETC tax-free after one year?
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