$BARC (+2,94 %) CEO C.S. Venkatakrishnan expects under Donald Trump a relaxation of regulations in the USA. For Barclayswhich generates a significant proportion of its revenues in the US market, these changes would be of great importance as they could promote "economic dynamism" and create new business opportunities.
He is also confident that this trend could spread to Europe and the UK. Governments there are increasingly beginning to recognize the developments in the USA and considering possible adjustments to their own regulations to provide economic stimulus.
Venkatakrishnan also spoke positively at the #wef2025 also positive about the outlook for M&A in the USA. The stabilized interest rates and the new government could create better framework conditions that could facilitate such activities.
Despite challenges in the UK, such as stagnating growth, high government debt and a weak pound, he sees potential. Barclays continues to focus on investments in the UK, as the infrastructure is considered stable and reliable. He sees the government's new economic program as a promising approach, but one that will need time to take full effect.
its full effect.