
You're all fans of dividends and growth, aren't you? Yes, both are possible! Then I'll try to be a finfluencer and briefly introduce you to one of my biggest positions and quickly copy and paste something together here.

It's about $RAA (-0,85 %) Rational. Not only the name is cool, but also the products, the margins and the growth. Oh yes, the dividend.

I like to describe the products as the Themomix for gastronomy, just a bit more expensive. They really make sense for gastronomy because they take up less space and use less energy. After the working day, simply put the cleaning rod in and the next day the thing is crispy clean again.

Dividends were cut during the pandemic, but now things are slowly looking up again:

According to the current status as of January 2024, Rational paid dividends totaling EUR 13.50 per share within the last 12 months, of which EUR 2.50 was paid as a special dividend.At the current share price of EUR 720.00, this corresponds to a dividend yield of 1.88%.

Corona has of course hit Rational's customers hard and consequently the company too, which was really sad, but yesterday they released preliminary figures and things are looking good again:

Operating profit rose by 17 percent to around 277 million euros in 2023, the company announced on Thursday. At around 24.5 percent, the profit margin was higher than expected. Price increases also played a role in this. Turnover climbed by ten percent to around 1.125 billion euros.

As always, the valuation is quite sporty, but the company is also one of the best in Germany. ROE 27% ROA 20% etc.

Who has the share and who hasn't heard of it? Incidentally, it is listed on the Mdax at 7 billion Mcap.

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Two fellow students work there and they are really happy.
The canteen, or rather the restaurant, is supposed to be absolutely amazing. I wanted to write my BA there but it didn't work out.
As far as I know, there is no works council there yet, although the company is already relatively large.
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@MaxlvomDach The fact that there is still no BR is probably one of the reasons why it is so beautiful there. :D
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Strong preliminary key data for FY 2023 catapulted the Rational share upwards by around 8% on Thursday (11.1.).

Thanks to strong year-end business, the commercial kitchen supplier achieved sales growth of 10% to 1.1 billion euros, exceeding its own forecast (sales growth in the high single-digit percentage range). A one-off additional order from a restaurant chain in Asia, which was delivered in Q4, contributed to this.

The EBIT margin improved to 24.5% (previous year: 23.2%), which the Bavarians attributed to lower raw material and logistics costs. Currency effects also had a positive impact. As recently as November, the company had therefore forecast a higher operating margin.

Rational will only provide an outlook for the current year when it publishes its annual report at the end of March. Despite the strong fundamental development, the MDAX share (716.00 euros; DE0007010803) is valued too high in my opinion with a 2024 P/E ratio of 36 and expected EPS growth rates of 10% annually until 2025.
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Wait for the right entry 😉
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An integral part of the gastronomy industry Years of working rationally

The self cooking center was the first combi-steamer with a low touchscreen and overnight cooking function! That was a real revolution!

Oh the fixed programs fish poultry pork beef baked goods!

I really enjoyed working with it
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I have worked as a chef with Rational appliances and the convection ovens are simply premium!
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@Abeyance That's very nice! Can you tell us in a few sentences what it's like there? Employee satisfaction is said to be very high. According to Rational :D. You don't get MA shares, because the number of shares is always the same. I would like to work for a company whose shares are doing well. Unfortunately, I only work in an EDEKA main warehouse.
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@Abeyance Then why don't you have them in your depot?
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@kleberj No in Hesse Melsungen
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@Investor_in_Jogginghose I seem to remember that you live in Leipzig or the surrounding area. Berbersdorf would have been a good fit.
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@kleberj I have an apartment in Chemnitz, but it's only for investment. I come from Hesse near Kassel
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@Investor_in_Jogginghose The various Edekas are our biggest German customer, but Hesse is not (yet) one of them! 😂
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@kleberj EDEKA HEssenring is also the smallest of the 7 and a bit retarded. :D Where do you work?
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@Investor_in_Jogginghose Witron. We plan, build, maintain and (partially) operate the ADCs (automated distribution centers). In other words, the complete intralogistics in the warehouse.
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