Crystal ball says it stays as it is... Maybe it will rise or fall. Unfortunately, this is the case with purely emotional assets and their leverage products.
You should actually know whether you think it's good in the long term. If you want to play guessing games, you can also go to the casino and bet everything on black.
@Madhatter5566 who is talking about playing guessing games and "i should know"? i said that i know it's a good decision in the medium to long term. or am i misunderstanding your comment?
@Madhatter5566 Okay, I agree with you. I think I'll delete the aspect of the 200-day line. That's really contradictory. Just to be clear. It is the 2nd tranche of probably 3. IF it goes down even further I will of course buy more. I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, but of course you're right.