
Interim conclusion: my YTD performance in 2024

The third quarter of 2024 ended just over a week ago and the fourth and final quarter of the year has begun. Time to draw an interim conclusion on the performance of my portfolio. The aim of my portfolio is - as every year - to beat the MSCI World benchmark. However, I am also aware that it will not work every year and that the overall performance should rather be compared over a period of 3-5 years. Nevertheless, it is a way for me to analyze how my portfolio is performing compared to the benchmark.

The MSCI World, measured in euros on the ETF $IWDA (-0,26 %)has so far had a YTD performance of +19.24% so far. My portfolio is at +13.27%. So far this year I have underperformed the MSCI World underperformed.


The overall picture since June 2017 looks better:


With a TTWROR performance of +177.47%, I am well ahead of the MSCI World with +121.17%. That is an average outperformance of +3.68% per year since June 2017.

An important note at this point: I do not adapt my strategy to current circumstances, but invest in high-quality companies - regardless of whether AI stocks are performing or whether oil stocks are the hot shit on the market. In this respect, phases of underperformance are normal and predictable.


Time to take a look at the YTD underperformers.

Dino Polska $DNP (-0,11 %)

As I have only been invested here since March 2024, I have chosen the total return since purchase as performance. I expect a significantly better performance here in the long term. The position will be held and not increased or sold.

ASML $ASML (+1,4 %)

Also a fairly new position. In July 2024 I started to build up a larger position in several tranches. I expect a significantly better performance here in the longer term.

Alphabet $GOOGL (+0,19 %)

This is also a position that I only built up in August 2024. The plan is to continue to build up the position at this valuation level using a savings plan.


If you have a number of underperformers in your portfolio, there should ideally also be a few outperformers. My top 3 YTD outperformers are:

KLA Corp $KLAC (+1,81 %)

I established this position in April 2023 at a price of €336.80 per share. I have not bought or sold since then.

Costco $COST (-5,6 %)

I have been a shareholder in this outstanding company since September 2022. Since then, the position has been increased several times through acquisitions - most recently in May 2023 at a price of €455.45 per share.

Philip Morris $PM (-2,47 %)

This year has so far been a very good year for the "Big Tobacco" stocks. So I am not only pleased about the performance of $PM (-2,47 %) but also about $BATS (+0,17 %)which I also have in my portfolio. I invest continuously in both via a savings plan and enjoy regular dividends.


My top 3 underperformers are all stocks that I only bought this year and will hopefully perform better over time. The top 3 outperformers are all stocks that I have had in my portfolio for a long time and have performed very well overall since then. One "honorable mention" is also deserved $CMG (-2,7 %)which, with a YTD performance of +25.9%, just failed to make it into the top 3.

How are things looking for you this year?

Stay tuned,

Yours Nico Uhlig

16 Comentarios

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Did you make a mistake or are you really writing about 2023?
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@Bein-Godik yes 😅 I just realized it myself and changed it. I shouldn't write any posts on Sunday morning 😂
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How long have you been invested in $MELI and what do you think of the current valuation level for an investment?
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@Iwanowitsch I am currently building up Mercado Libre with a savings plan. It's difficult to say whether the current valuation is expensive, which is why I'm using a savings plan in order to predict my entry price in the long term.
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How does your performance compare to the NASDAQ 100?
That's the final opponent 😉
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@W0io worse in the period since 2017, but fortunately I'm not the only one. I am also skeptical as to whether the NASDAQ100 will continue to perform so well over the next 20 years. From a macroeconomic perspective, growth companies in particular have benefited from the steady fall in interest rates over the last 20 years. We will see whether this continues to be the case in the future. However, I am deliberately not comparing myself with the NASDAQ100.
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@RealMichaelScott I feel the same way.
My performance is roughly in line with the s&p500, which is of course a bit sobering 😁
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@W0io the last time I looked I was also just ahead of the S&P500. That is still a good indicator.
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Congratulations 👍🙏

With a US heavy portfolio, however, other indices might be "fairer" as a comparison. 😊
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@GeldGenie Thank you.

My USA share is currently exactly 54%, i.e. less than in the MSCI World. In this respect, the USA is actually underrepresented.
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Great contribution, very impressive return compared to Msci World. 💪💪

How do you arrive at 3.68%/year with the average outperformance?
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@TomCOR thank you ☺️

By doing the math, I come up with 7 years:

(1+1,7747)^(1/7) - (1+1,2117)^(1/7) = 0,0369

So approx. 3.7% per year. The first term is my CAGR return after 7 years and the second term is the CAGR return of the MSCI Worlds after 7 years.
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@RealMichaelScott You're really strong in math 💪
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@TomCOR anything else would be surprising as a mathematician 🙈
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Does your analysis include cash, overnight money or fixed-term deposits, or do you take these out of the calculation?
(If you have anything like that at all😄)
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@Bein-Godik The YTD performance includes +0.38% interest. The figure also includes profit-taking and dividends.
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