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Compró 200 a 31,08 US$
6216,00 US$
9 Comentarios

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So a short term trade? Or do you wanna hold longer?
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@Rendite_Fux short term, as these stocks have a lot of volatility and at certain price points for example $45 there could be massive selling by investors who are in the red from 2021-22, so I think I will hold it for 3 years but by selling and buying in those points. I believe that after $45 it will return to $35 and then start again, we'll see.
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@Wiski03 Nice theory, bit it just fits to one Situation.

I like the thought you think there is a Tournaround. I dont try to Trade waves of sell offs and buys because i always loose the bigger increase of a good stock. Mostly, buy and Hold was a better strategy for me.

But I wish you mich success with it
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@Rendite_Fux you're right, it could go differently, I accept any scenario I can even not sell and hold since I have 100k in liquidity and it's too much. then next year I should receive $130 in dividends I can also keep
@Wiski03 I hope you dindt sell and hold because China ist booming
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@Wiski03 good job man! 😁 How would you continue? Hold or sell some profits?
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@Rendite_Fux hold and go to the moon
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