
$VWRL (-1,2 %) and $VWCE (-1,18 %) are doomed 👍

They will sink into insignificance and disappear from the scene sooner rather than later. Getquin will have to look for new favorites. And it won't $UKW (-0,74 %) .

At least if the opinion of Invesco ( $IVZ (-4,01 %) ) goes. Invesco published namely another ETF on the FTSE All World, which beats the counterpart of Vanguard by 0.07% with a TER of 0.15%. With a beginner's deposit of a paltry €1,000,000, that's still €700 per year! Enough for a coffee at $SBUX (-5,3 %) in Munich. Welcome $FTWG (-1,5 %) 🍕

And what does the community do? Quickly sell everything, buy new and pay lots of taxes? Nothing at all, except ponder every night whether to switch? Switch the savings plan to Invesco and endure an ugly duplication in the portfolio? Or just keep leveraging the money? Tell me in the comments!



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nothing, have anyway already only the $IWDA
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@Magellan But that's already a bit shot against the community ...
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We probably have much more important issues in the world to address at the moment. Due to a measly chili harvest, the popular Sriracha sauce is now massively more expensive.
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@Hannes_SK Yes, I've already read that. That's really scandalous. Or that even low-income earners with 150k income should no longer get parental benefits. The world is going to the dogs.
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@DonkeyInvestor Thank you. It is important in such times not to stand alone and to symbolize solidarity.
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@Hannes_SK can you actually invest in the sauce? That would actually be really scharftastisch!
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@Caynify capitalizing on the suffering of others looks like you again. Very disappointing 😔
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@DonkeyInvestor wanted to ask you whether you have already read about the parental allowance and your monster salary. It should concern you. Just let the woman do everything. Parental allowance is still capped at about 2800 anyway. You don't stay at home for a few bucks.
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@Fabzy Child simply comes to a turtle farm at 3 weeks old
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@DonkeyInvestor 1800€ is the maximum amount! Take rather 4 weeks vacation. I will raise it as if it were my own 🥹
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So I admit, it does trigger me a little. But I'll just stick with my Vanguard, which would be cool if it lowered its own TER in response.
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@Banana_Millionaire I assume this will be the case in the medium term
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you can also just let the Vanguard rest and reopen one on Invesco.
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Depends on whether Invesco has sweaters as nice as @Vanguard
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@fastlane The sweaters from @Vanguard are nothing but a myth. I think their warehouse is in Bielefeld. What does @Lorena say about it?
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@DonkeyInvestor my name is Hare and I know nothing about anything
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To say it with @Magellann words: Nothing, have anyway already the $XDWD 😂 Or: Market regulates and Vanguard pulls ev. sooner or later after and lowers the fee also slightly.
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@Mister_ultra I guess you too are against the community.
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The reply from Vanguard to my email sounded hopeful for October/November 😊
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Phew, I don't really see moving the entire 16.68 billion now.
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@KleinviehmachtMist I can understand. They would have to go to the clearing account for a short time. And if the bank goes bankrupt at the exact moment, you're really in trouble 👍
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Relax and invest in my $IWDA ✌🏾
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@Cro you also do not seem to be part of the community
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Continue to invest in FM?
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur do you mean further lowering the EC?
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@DonkeyInvestor ne I always raise the
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100 levers microsoft short i would say
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Yes, I'm glad I decided to go with the $VUSA 😂
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@Doe sooner or later, it too will be replaced by Invesco 👍
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@DonkeyInvestor Let's just buy Invesco and everything will stay the way it is. I'll talk to my Colombian and Japanese friends about an interest-free loan with a 50-year term. If it works out it would be nice if you make the CEO, as you know I just do nothing at the moment 😬
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@Barsten is fine. I can also run the small store on the side
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Luckily I am all in Bitcoin🌚
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haha, awesome article. I would just let my old savings plan in Vanguard rest and start a new one in Invesco. Then I also have no tax effect. Vllt I want to relaisieren sometime profits against losses, then I can fall back on the Vanguard! Otherwise, time will tell how good Invesco is in tracking error against Vanguard!
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Nix, I just do nothing 😬
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Since I still do not have much in $VWCE I will pay taxes and reallocate 😉
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So the Vanguard Total World Stock (vT) has a ter of 0.07, cheaper than Invesco. And for all those who keep telling me it cannot be bought in Germany, the VT is listed on the Berlin Stock Exchange according to UBS.
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Interesting, but i guess we have to see how it's goes, now is still too small and with not enogh volume you are going to pay the spread instead of TER
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