
What I find really strange, why some ETFs run so differently as their indices. S&P 500 since a week 3% up and the ETF that tracks this index 100% 1.64% down...

Can someone enlighten me there 😂

$LYPS (-1,34 %) as an example...

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Thank you. Do you have to act or just let it run?:)
@FelixHeil sometimes you profit sometimes you lose. In the long run, it has had little effect in the past. You can also buy currency-hedged products - but they are a bit more expensive.
@FelixTrade @FelixTrade I honestly feel safer with the dollar in the long run.

My "nest egg" (I don't know if you can still call money for up to 12 months of unemployment a penny...) is already in euros, my salary is in euros - so I don't really want to have my other capital in euros as well.

You shouldn't forget that it can also go the other way. Interestingly, far fewer people ask why :P
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Apart from the fact that it is a distributing fund, the weighting of the companies and the tracking form is a factor.
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