Tektronix Acciones
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74,50 MInformación
Tektronix, Inc. is a United States-based company. The Company designs, manufactures and supplies test, measurement, and monitoring equipment. The Company's offered products include oscilloscopes and probes, including oscilloscopes, high speed digitizers, and probes and accessories; analyzers, including spectrum analyzers, parameter analyzers, optical modulation analyzers, and frequency counters; signal generators, including arbitrary function generators, arbitrary waveform generators, and vector signal generators; sources and supplies, including direct current (DC) power supplies, DC electronic loads, source measure units, and electrochemistry products; and meters, including digital multimeters, low-level instrument/sensitive and specialty instruments. It serves various industries, including advanced research, aerospace and defense, automotive, education and teaching labs, medical, technologies/devices/systems, and semiconductor design and manufacturing.
Electronic Instr. & Controls
Tecnologías de la información
Número de Identificación Internacional de Valores (ISIN)
Teletipo de bolsa (ticker) principal