Comentarios sobre la cartera de inversiones

After almost 4 years of investing I came to a conclusion for my portfolio strategy.

Almost 4 years I've spend around 60% of my total portfolio into $VWRL (+1,32 %) the other 40% went into stocks that were high promises, but more then half of them lost me money. Overall I've had a stable return on VWRL and the individual stocks lost me money.

Now I have come to the conclusion it is better to downscale my individual stock position from around 20 stocks to a maximum of 3. Which are going to be $AD (-1,2 %) Ahold Delhaize, $BFIT (+0,45 %) Basic-Fit, $NN (+1,55 %) NN Group and $WHA (+0,48 %) Wereldhave. With a total investment of 20% of my portfolio (10-5-2,5-2,5). The remaining 80% will be going into VWRL and VHYL because I can't outperform these great ETF's.

Even though I am young (25y) and can take a higher risk, it loses me return if I do so. Please have a look at my portfolio and see for yourself. What is your opinion?

60.379,12 €
8,22 %
23 Comentarios

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Home Bias?
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I always like this. Discovering yourself and finding your way along the way. You are very young with a very large portfolio, keep up the good work.
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Good Portfolio!
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FYI; just sold 33% of my Ahold stocks.
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