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Is there a special reason why you took the ADR and not the Brazilian share?
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@DividendenWaschbaer more tradable and options on them are also available ✌️
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@investdiversified Ah ok, I'm thinking of joining with a small contribution and have read that Brazil does not levy withholding tax. I do not need options. Remains the currency risk and the better tradability, but withholding tax. Crap, that does not make it easier for me 😂
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@DividendenWaschbaer It always depends, in some cases withholding tax was withheld in my case.
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Yes, you also have the ADR. There remains the American withholding tax. Or did you also have the Brazilian share? Then that would be interesting, of course.
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@DividendenWaschbaer was marked BR, is? often also independent of ADR
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@investdiversified BR is the Brazilian share, not the ADR. The ADR has a US ISIN. 😅