
I’m currently looking abroad for investments because I think the US stocks are quite expensive.

Here are the reasons behind my most recent portfolio addition.

-Market leader which grew the customer base by 20% for the 15th consecutive quarter

-Ultra fast delivery (they own their distribution warehouses which are max 7 miles away from 70% of their customers)

-Super easy return policy (just leave it outside your front door)

-Took the 1st spot in market share this year

-Founder led company

-The recent drop after the earnings made the company cheap at 2.5 P/S (fwd)

-Catalyst from christmas shopping incoming

-Pushing towards international expansion in Singapore, Japan and Taiwan (similar densely populated markets

-They have an Uber like delivery option (not a necessity)

-They had some trouble last year due to a fire and covid related issues which contributed to the bottom line (I’m not expecting the same next year)

-The risk reward ratio is quite attractive

-Similarities to a young Amazon

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Comprado a 27,00 US$

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