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How can you buy today for 621 when the price is below 600
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@Therapeut before the purchase it says 01.08. 🙃 although "today"... something must have gone wrong
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@Doe it doesn't say that for me, strange
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@Therapeut Are you thinking of buying more?
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@Petzi-Port no, I've just done the math.
My cost price would change by €5 😂
I'll just cry to myself
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@Therapeut let's cry together xD

Have you bought anything lately?
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@Petzi-Port only S&P500 savings plan, actually want to build up an Allianz position and save for it but somehow it's only going up right now😂
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@Therapeut ah cool for what reason allianz?

I sold novo nordisk and bought alphabet at 134 because I had no more cash left, I bought $OMV because I want to see if it works out 1:1 like it did with @TomTurboInvest

Done with your individual stocks?
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@Petzi-Port yes, I'm done with individual stocks, the rest will go into the S&P500

I wanted to close the dividend field with Allianz and utilize the allowance.
So I would have 1 ETF to continue saving, my individual stocks for more rednite, crypto as another asset and with Allianz approx. 500€ dividend per year.

Sounds interesting, I've just read through the article.
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@Therapeut if it looks like a recession, would you sell the individual stocks?

I, for example, intend to sell them and if a recession comes to push them into the ftse all world, less fluctuation safe return and with a high 5-digit investment it is already profitable

Aso yes well with you it makes sense with me in AT there is no allowance

Yes safe now have an entry price of 36.50 130 pieces at 45-48€ which usually arrives before the ex day 1k profit
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@Petzi-Port No, I'm not selling anything, I would have to pay too much tax.
I'm trying to sit it out and continue to build up my ETF.

That's pretty cool. How much tax do you have to pay?