
Hi dear community!

Since I have only been investing for about 7 months, I asked myself whether these 3 ETFs make any sense in combination.

Since the three already overlap a lot.

Usa, Tech etc.

Does anyone have any tips for me on how I should change this?

$IUIT (+1,78 %) 200 € is saved monthly

$IWDA (+1,17 %) 200€ per month

$CSPX (+0,97 %) 150€ per month

and every second month 1 share of $AAPL (+2,87 %) purchased !

Thank you very much for your answers

Have a nice and relaxing weekend everyone !

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This combination doesn't really make sense because of the many overlaps.
Why not 100% US Tech?
Take your answer and then ask yourself: Why not 100% MSCIWorld?
Take your answer again and go back to the first question. 😉

You need a clear concept to avoid this gyrating. Then your portfolio will work out.
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My opinion on this would be
1. I don't think much of sector ETFs for the time being and would leave out your S&P Tech altogether
2. I would combine the two core MSCI World and S&P500 into one

In short, put all 3 ETFs in one - either in $IWDA or in $CSPX and that's it. Don't make it too complicated and make sure that there isn't too much overlap in the positions included. It doesn't help at all. Keep it simple and stupid.
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I'll be cheeky and say no, it doesn't make sense. Many of the stocks are represented in all 3 etfs. And Apple is also in all three etfs (22%, 4.8%, 6.93%)
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A "no" from me too... the InfoTech ETF is a classic theme ETF where you pay annual fees for the fact that it splits the money largely between 3 stocks that you could just as well buy individually, and you are already buying one of them individually. Not only would I no longer save in it, I would even sell it.
The other two ETFs are largely the same. Whether you really want to increase the US overweighting in the MSCI World again with an additional ETF is of course a question of strategy, but I wouldn't pile 2 such similar ETFs into my portfolio.
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With an etf you are not allowed to diversify, because the etf does it for you.

The more the worse here.

In principle, you have brutally overweighted the tech sector and thus destroyed diversification.
You should go back and improve that.
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So, you're basically investing in the same thing with different names...Why?

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