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Every bank has a "List of prices and services" for this purpose.
This states "Free of charge for incoming money of at least €700 per calendar month". The corresponding asterisk text then states "'Excluded are securities transactions, own transfers and credits from the booking of return debits."

This means that it is not free if you transfer money yourself.
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@DerMartin Exciting, maybe it will cut off for me because the account is in my wife's name, from which it will then be transferred 🤔
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@Kytez So we have a joint account and each transfer >€700. That's enough. Apart from the €0.99 / current card, we pay nothing.
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@KevinC and the debit card was canceled immediately 🤣 nobody needs it these days 😅
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@GoDividend I use it to pay for every purchase 🤷‍♂️
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@KevinC Amex? Or another credit card? Problem solved.
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@GoDividend I have a private credit card, as does my partner. Plus the current accounts. Honestly, I can't remember any more pins 😃
Apart from the fact that the €2/month doesn't really matter for us.
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@GoDividend Except in stores that don't accept credit or debit cards, but "only EC". Unfortunately, this happens more often than I would like.
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@KevinE I was sent the Debit Visa which works in every store, so you can save yourself the Girocard 🤷🏻