am ATH 😳🤓🤧
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@Memo0606 so what if it continues to rise and new aths are regularly added?
@Alpalaka very unlikely
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@Memo0606 best example: $NVDA
It was similar with $RACE or $PH until the sideways movement.

I can think of three titles off the top of my head. So why should it be unlikely?
@Alpalaka race is on my watchlist
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@Memo0606 I was hoping for a different answer but ok :D
@Alpalaka yes... it's just a risk for me
nvdia is so going to correct
what do you have on your watchlist?
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@Memo0606 Wait and see.
Nothing worth mentioning, as I am currently considering switching my shares into ETFs
@Alpalaka Why wait and see?
@Alpalaka there are many good opportunities
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@Memo0606 the "wait and see" was in reference to your "nvdia will so correct"