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Have you looked at the value date of the last 15 shares....maybe TR has already messed up there 🤷‍♂️
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@SAUgut77 Yes, the purchase date was 07.08. and the value date was 09.08. according to the statement
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@DividendenWaschbaer then I don't know what to do...but it's really amazing what you read here about TR.

I'm with S+ myself and am now quite happy with it.
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@SAUgut77 Yeah, no idea what's going on there. You can at least guess a solution in the comment below. But that doesn't make it okay.

I'm also looking around for other brokers and am currently leaning towards SBroker. I've been there in the past and have always been very satisfied. They also offer advance exemptions for various countries, help with withholding tax refunds and free currency accounts.

So I will withdraw everything from TR, at least for the time being, but will continue to run savings plans there and then withdraw things once or twice a year by transfer.
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Well, maybe not bad for managing, especially because of the pre-exemption for some countries, but in my opinion too expensive for active trading.

But with your portfolio, good management makes perfect sense... I'm still in my infancy with just under 11k 😉
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@SAUgut77 Yes, I don't trade, so that's fine. I will probably continue to buy from TR and leave savings plans in place. But then I'll transfer everything regularly (once or twice a year). So that I then only rarely sell with the self-broker (or wherever) and otherwise just need reliability.

P.S.: The Hercules dividend has now been canceled and recalculated. Fits now :)