
Share analysis

A question for all of you old-timers here.

In addition to my $500 (-3,11 %) ETF in the future to deal more with individual stocks.

My question is this:

How would you guys best inform yourselves in the topic of stock analysis/stock valuation.

For example, are there any programs or YouTube channels or other sources that you can recommend for getting started? Maybe even a book :)

I've already searched a bit on Google, but I'd like to hear a few more recommendations from people like you who have been doing this for a while.

Thanks in advance :)

16 Comentarios

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A good place to start is this book https://amzn.eu/d/i73pUdH which I sometimes use as a reference when I look at annual reports. You can find a lot of content on this topic on the @TheAccountant89 account.
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur Thank you, the book looks interesting.
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@Tobi_0903 There are usually also examples given to make it easier to understand. Makes the subject a little less dry
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur I also believe that real examples are helpful for understanding, the letter carrier is practically already on his way.
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@Tobi_0903 Good decision, good book. I can also recommend Peter Lynch.
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Traderfox stock terminal: Summary of concise key figures Investflow: Stock analyses on YouTube Aktienfinder.net: Database for shares and analyses (but not completely free of charge).
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@NEWT1 Thank you, I'll have a look.
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@Tobi_0903 For books, I also recommend the one mentioned above by Dividendenmonteur and "Ohne Aktien wird schwer", which also has a podcast.
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@NEWT1 I also listened to the podcast "ohne Aktien wird Schwer" yesterday on a long car journey. It started out pretty interesting, but I'm still at the very beginning. The book is already on its way to me :)
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There are also a few more posts about this on @RealMichaelScott 's profile
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@Tenbagger2024 Thank you, I also came across the good gentleman briefly yesterday.
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I also really appreciate Martin from OnVista and the BX Morningcall always presents good values.
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Without shares will be difficult Is a reading recommendation The Aktienfinder.net is also good
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Have a look at my profile. I have done some detailed stock analyses here. Maybe you can think about how to analyze a stock and try it yourself.
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"We love shares" is of course not free but is definitely worthwhile.
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