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I have sold all my shares. For me, the share is unfortunately a pipe-creeper, moving monotonously sideways.
Dividends are all well and good, but I perform better with growth stocks than I get in dividends.
And let's be honest: dividends can be canceled, then I'm still losing money.

Nevertheless, good luck to all those who invest :) Everyone finds their own way
@Pirat123 even a ftse all world is doing better and then there is DE as a logistics company with the energy prices and dependency. Amazon or fedex or no logistics at all are all part of the same chain and will be the first to be buried when the crisis hits. Just like the airlines. The risk with the marginal profit reward is not
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@Maximilian01 At the end of the day, everyone has to decide for themselves what they want to put in their portfolio and what makes sense for them. As I don't follow a dividend strategy, this share is simply out