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Simple, clear strategy with good individual stocks. However, >40% of the individual stocks are not div. payers... it will then of course be difficult to cover the fixed costs with the div. 😉 In times of higher interest rates, the FAANG papers will also no longer achieve such growth as until 2021.
@GHF okey understand you're right. Then I should e.g. Amazon, Meta, Alphabet simply use as a growth stock because they are anyway no Div. payer, and then but aufjedenfall build up other positions which pay me dividends ?. You can also call me like a few good titles which I then put me times on the watch list, would be very happy. Thank you for your feedback
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@Felix_wgl at least if you want dividends 👍🏻. I would try to find dividend stocks that also show growth despite all this.  A high dividend won't do you any good  if your investment amount doesn't develop further. Have a look at the sectors utilities and waste management, as well as health, consumer & luxury.$MC, $WM, $JNJ, $ABBV, $SYK, $PEP, $DGE, $AMGN, $HD, $NESN, etc.
@GHF Thank you very much I will remember !👍🏻