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That's what I did. Fuck that $ETH
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I think in bull markets Eth will out perform and in bear markets it will under perform bitcoin. I think you should own both. I think a 60/40 split would be pretty solid but 75/25 would be less volatile
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ETH is 1. dependent on Vitalik and the Foundation and 2. they have no unique selling point because there are enough competitors.
The only use case I can accept for altcoins is stablecoins. And ETH is not even number 1 in this area because the transaction fees are far too high. Here, $TRX is the clear leader in usage.
I have had all my ETH for a long time verkauft🤷‍♂️

EDIT: Please also include Vitalik's latest appearance at a conference in your decision😂
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Out with the shitcoin
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I recently reallocated $ETH to $SOL...so far it's going well
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I have also been observing this for some time. However, BTC is already too high again, at least for my "gut feeling". And that has already betrayed me several times :D
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Would you get into Bitcoin now or wait a little longer? Because it's relatively high
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Sometimes you just need a "classic". Everything else is just a gimmick. It's fascinating how things develop. But in the end, the only thing that counts is what lasts. And there are really no two opinions about that. That's how I think!
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I've also been thinking about it for some time, but I'm 20% down with ETH, which is why I'm still letting the bull run run its course and only then switching over
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Overall is $ETH crap, depending on how you start, you can just let it run or not

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