Women on the stock market with options trading?
Why you need a special webinar right now that is aimed at women by a woman is beyond me.
"You will discover how you can use options to take advantage of new opportunities to achieve long-term goals such as better retirement planning or a regular income."
Apart from the complexity of options, I don't spontaneously know of any added value of options compared to regular long-term forms of investment such as ETFs (e.g. a simple savings plan on $IWDA (+0,23 %) ).
Wouldn't it make more sense to raise the general level of financial education and help women in particular to close their pension gaps due to parental leave and the like?
My opinion on the coaching and workshops offered by most "experts" is probably well known, but I still find many things questionable.
(Almost as serious as "Secure passive income through options trading". @Lorena
@leveragegrinding 🤡)