Comentarios sobre la cartera de inversiones
53.852,62 €
4,78 %
6 Comentarios

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Just one ETF? With $SPYI you have an all-in solution.
But sometimes it's better to focus on quality rather than quantity.
What do you prefer?
I would definitely not leave it the way you have it now. All double and triple
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This allows you to weight the industrialized nations and emerging markets in relation to each other.
(==> take a look at $VWRL (available from Vanguard and Invesco))

$SPYI you have included both EM and small caps (worldwide). I don't know exactly what percentage these make up.
EM probably ~10% and small caps ~2-5%.

Ultimately, you need to know what you want. With small caps, with emerging markets or without?
EMs have done much worse than developed markets in recent years, but it doesn't have to be the same in the future.

Ultimately, it will make little difference whether $IWDA or $SPYI.
It depends on your personal investment strategy and comfort level.

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