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Also check out $FTWG, it's cheaper than the Vanguard.
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@randomdude Only 13M€ fund volume?
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@Epi it is still relatively new
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@Epi Was only launched in July.
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@randomdude So I ask myself: Why? There are now plenty of world ETFs. What gap in demand is he supposed to fill now?
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@Epi The calculation of the smaller providers is surely to get a few million from the billions that iShares manages. This is probably more lucrative than offering the first 3x leveraged short ETF on the Russell 2000.
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@randomdude You may be right. In that case, however, a need of the provider is satisfied here, not of the customer.
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@Epi Competition among ETF providers has more than halved TERs in recent years. Surely this is in the interests of customers.