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Just tried to send money to my other half with Amex, Visa and Mastercard:
No problem via Paypal.

Then tried to send money to Poland: Visa and Mastercard went through. Amex did not.

I also wrote to the 3 customer service teams.

Which law is supposed to have been passed?
Were you given an exact regulation or something similar?
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@Staatsmann Very cool that you took action and tested it. But I'm also not sure which regulation or law applies. According to Google, the EU issued the sixth directive on the Money Laundering Act a few weeks ago. But I can only find press releases and not the legal text.
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@Soprano Visa has replied that there have been no changes in this regard and that payments will be booked normally.

Only any cashback systems will not work, but that is clear and has always been the case.
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@Staatsmann That's funny, because the cashback systems work for me too ^^ Or it's always been a little trick in the Amex community to send each other money via PayPal friends and then send it straight back. Of course, this is forbidden and can lead to the card being canceled, but technically it has always worked so far.

My buddy's Amex support told me that you can't/aren't allowed to send money to friends and then debit it via AMEX. Which, as I said, I can't understand, because it works perfectly for me, even with collecting miles.

He didn't ask about Visa. But maybe that would be a good recommendation for him. He doesn't want cashback, he just wants to send something to his family and is looking for a suitable card where this is possible.

I also just asked again whether his Mastercard was a charge or debit card. Maybe that makes a difference. At least that's what one GQ user said.
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@Soprano Mastercard has now also replied that there are no new laws in this regard.
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@Staatsmann It's really great how the community supports each other here!
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@Staatsmann probably cross-border problems
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@Soprano Amex has also replied:
No change in the law in this regard.