
We have taken profits on Sea ltd for the time being. The reason is the current market situation, in which we want to have some cash again in the event of a possible correction.

Our assessment of the

company itself has changed somewhat. The reason is that TikTok is still trying to penetrate Sea ltd's market; we had expected consolidation and less competition.

Sea ADS Representing Class A logo
Vendido x27 en 41,50 €
1120,50 €
8,21 %
44 Comentarios

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8% haha
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Hopefully you will then have your sights set on a "better" share. Which one is that, if I may ask?
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Difficult to understand where it stands just before the breakout. I am now considering adding to the position. The existing position is up 20%
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You guys are real experts. That was a complete fail
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30% since your sale haha
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The post has aged really badly 😅

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