
I waited for the US stock market drop and added to the position again. Last time, the "buy on bad news" worked very well with a rebound to over €8.20.

With 1000 shares, the dividend is now also coming in quite nicely, if it still comes! :)

Let's see what happens!

Petrobras Brasileiro logo
Compró 400 a 7,26 €
2904,00 €
10 Comentarios

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What will
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@DividendenWaschbaer As sure as the Amen in the church! At least the comment :)
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@kleberj I have a limit of 7, then I can also see what happens 😉.
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@DividendenWaschbaer I wanted it too. I bought more 2 months ago at 6.95. But after the stock market opened in the USA it only went down to 7.20. I don't think we'll see 7. But bonne chance!
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@DividendenWaschbaer that annoys me more than you
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@DonkeyInvestor So the ultimate annoying post when I post this 😂
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The dividend will be 😎 You usually can't really understand when something is coming, ADR pays differently than the share 🤷. Then you have it, two days later it's canceled and then new. And then in January there was a dividend that I hadn't expected. 😂 But all in all a very nice return
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@trader64 The last dividend at Consors came quite promptly but was split into 2 tranches. I'm curious to see how things will go with Scalable now. I don't normally buy ADRs anyway. Does that make sense at all with Petrobras, as Brazil does not levy withholding tax? Do you have to pay US withholding tax on ADRs?
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@kleberj I also have them with Consors. I didn't pay any withholding tax on the ADR dividends, just the usual KAP tax and solidarity surcharge
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