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The nervousness of an investor is usually due to the following points, without weighting:
- Ignorance
- Excessive investment (speed)
- Lack of a nest egg
- Lack of liquidity planning.

If you have a nest egg, you know that you won't need your money for the next 5 years, you have informed yourself about the specific investments and about investing in general - it can only be due to speed.

If you explain your situation in more detail, I can give you more specific advice.

In general: I would hold on to the positions, let the savings plans run as usual and thus push the average down. So you use the low entry prices for long-term success.

But if you need money from the pot soon, then I would think about an exit, also here :slowly:.

It's your money - it's your decision. You can't rely on anyone and only you bear the consequences.

As a little motivation: I lost about 50% of your portfolio value last week - and I'm holding on to everything and continuing to invest regularly. I'll be fine! :-)
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@GeldGenie Addendum: I have read your answers to other posts.

1) Clarify what happens to your assets when you leave the country.... One year from now is VERY soon...
2) Make a liquidity plan for the next 3-5 years. Expected income (tend to underestimate) and expenses (tend to overestimate). - Then you know where you stand and what you need from your assets (preferably NOTHING - anyone who spends more than he/she earns and does not save 15-20% lives ABOVE the standard he or she has earned and worked for! Then I would rethink my financial situation as a whole).
3) When 2 and 3 are done - you should know how to handle your investments. An emotional investor is a bad investor. Rationality is a must.
Bonus 4.) Make a budget. For the next 12 months and also your own after that (assuming income and expenses change...)

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"Buy and hold long for two to a maximum of three high-quality individual stocks (Dist) +Msci World + EM Markets. If the price goes down, the world doesn't end immediately, time will tell.

This is a good way to go and you can sleep peacefully.
@Mark777 and if the world comes to an end and your world Depot records -80% then you have completely different problems than your securities loss xD
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then you sell with a minus of 80% and 2 months later you regret it, crises are part of it, with individual shares it looks different