
Which one makes more sense from your point of view?

I know that the way I've just planned it doesn't make much sense... hence the question! You are a great help and I implemented your tips for my portfolio yesterday, but I can't get any further :(

$$SPPW (-1,37 %) and $LCUW (-1,09 %)

please be kind, I am sensitive 😂

23 Comentarios

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It's best to link both, then you can compare them properly. First enter a dollar sign and then select the product $IWDA (e.g.).
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@KevinC Which etf would be suitable as a further etf for the first one (IE00B4L5Y983)? I read here that you should pay attention to the weighting (countries, sectors, etc.)
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@investmentmaus the replication method differs. With optimized sampling, not all companies are bought into the ETF. Instead of 1,600 that are in the "normal" MSCI World, some companies that would have a 0.0x% share are not bought. This saves the ETF transaction costs. It can pass these on to the ETF customer, for example, through a lower TER (not the case here, as both = 0.12%).

I would bet that the two ETFs will run in parallel 99.9% of the time. Maybe one will be 1-2% ahead after 20 years. But we don't know for sure which one -> hardly any difference.
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I would prefer the one from Spdr, as the fund domicile is Ireland and you therefore pay less withholding tax on US dividends, which is good for performance
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@Carlooooo I also heard that once... Ireland has more double taxation agreements with other countries than Luxembourg, so more of the dividends paid remain. I don't know if this is still the case. But that's why I've only ever taken ETFs domiciled in IE.
In this case then of the two the $SPPW
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First of all, it's cool that you're implementing the ideas so quickly! As some have already said here, they are very similar. As some have already written, I would go for the one from Ireland. But it also depends on whether you like synthetic replicas or not. (Do a quick google if it's unclear, it's never bothered me before). Wouldn't use both as they track the same index.

If you want to keep and build up some of the individual stocks you have, go ahead. Pick a few and really get to grips with them. You already have the positions anyway. With little knowledge, an ETF like the one you have chosen probably has a good risk/reward ratio.
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And the next question: do I get vacation and Christmas bonuses - is there any reason not to put them into the etf in August and November as a "total" and individual investment?
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@investmentmaus of course you can do that :)
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@investmentmaus or you can run it in small tranches via a savings plan, e.g. you get €3,000 and then invest it in 6 small units or however you like.
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I would take the simple $SPPW. The other one is based on the MSCI World Index, but with a small modification.
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iShares calls it "Core", but it's actually just a normal MSCI World. So it should be the same ETF twice from different providers, and I would go for just one to keep the whole thing leaner. :)

Is the second one accumulating/acc or distributing/distributing? There may still be a difference.
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@SSIT. I have now linked them both again
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@investmentmaus In my recklessness, I was already counting on the iShares and not the Amundi. :D

The biggest difference is full replication vs. optimized sampling. Personally, I like the sampling better if it translates into a lower TER.

But in principle you have the same product twice.
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@SSIT but there is no lower TER for the two, one ETF provider only earns more.
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It makes no significant difference whether you choose the first or second ETF for your asset accumulation. The first is accumulating, the second could be distributing. Unfortunately, there are no details on exactly which product is involved.
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What about this one $ISAC
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@KrustyKrab I did ... am still newuuuuu sorryyyyy 😂 I linked the one with this ticker number from TR
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@KrustyKrab I am an authorized signatory and Head of Human Resources and Finance. I have a background in business administration, but none in investment. These are not foreign words or Bohemian villages, but still new
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