
"Dividend stocks are the fuel for your yield snowball"

Homer Simpson September 12, 2024

Exxon Mobil logo
Recibío x53 dividendos por valor de 0,95 US$
50,35 US$
29 Comentarios

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If Warren Buffet had listened to the dividend haters in 1988, he would not only have missed out on a hefty price gain on his Coca Cola shares, but also a current dividend yield of a good 56% in relation to his invested capital.
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I like Ponzi schemes. I am invested in $BTC
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And any dividend tax will reduce your potential total return at the end of your investment journey. 🧳🛑🤷‍♂️
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Correct me if I’m wrong but aren’t dividend kind of pointless? The amount of dividend that is paid out is also decreased from the share price. For example you get 1% dividend then the share price decreases with 1% and you have to pay tax so I don’t get it.
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