Comentarios sobre la cartera de inversiones

About me:

I've been on the stock market since November 2023, I'm 15 years old. I work a lot and am currently working a mini-job on a €520 basis, so I also work as much as I do other side jobs without the mini-job, so in an average month I make ~ €200-300 in expenses, which is around €25 per month.

$VWRL (+1,32 %)

For me, this is a store of value where I invest €150 per month via a savings plan, and the trend is upwards.

$BTC (-0,16 %)

Where should I start, so for me the price is relatively irrelevant, because the value of BTC exceeds any price! I don't think I need to list the features/advantages just to name a few: decentralized, deflationary, one of the only things you can really own via a hard wallet.

I will most likely hold BTC my whole life and if I have money, even as it stands now I will always buy it, if it is in the €50,000-52,000 range I will go back in with about €500 which would be ~40% of my cash reserves.

I don't plan to sell it, I prefer to buy cheaply in bear markets on dips, exactly the same game.

$EVT (-0,81 %)

I see the investment as an anti-cyclical gamble, although the good news is slowly piling up. I'm going to hold on to it for a bit because I can wait 20 years and, as stupid as it may sound, these €50 losses wouldn't hurt much.


I see it as a small gamble, I find the sector interesting and I can hold it for a long time.

$AMZN (+1,14 %)

I think it's a very interesting buy option at the moment

$PYPL (+5,3 %)

Exactly the same with Paypal and $INTC (+1,29 %) no gambling with long-term investments.

I am looking forward to your feedback, I will gladly accept everything

1558,25 €
12,97 %
25 Comentarios

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Top an investment veteran in the body of a 15 year old. If you keep at it, don't rest and keep training, you will go far! Always remember a marathon is not a sprint. Keep it up!!!
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How awesome! This mindset at 15! When I think about what I was like at that age 🙈

Stay on the ball and educate yourself with good investors. You'll be the envy of everyone around you in a few years!

And don't blow it on "the first great love" 😂

Ver todas las 8 respuestas adicionales
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Respect that you're already earning your own money at that age and that you're still thinking about investing - and that you're working with Bitcoin on top of that! Keep at it, it will take you very far💪
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Why not buy bitcoin at €10,000?
Ver todas las 2 respuestas adicionales
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I think the community should give him a Premium membership because of his age. But how and where to donate?
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If I had taken the same path as you when I was 15, I would be a multimillionaire today! Super Levi!
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Sodele... Mr. Fliegenschmidt.
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oh what were those days when you had €25 a month to spend 😅 but great. keep it up and you'll be a millionaire by the time you're 40 at the latest. happy for you
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So far ahead of your peers! Keep it going

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