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In my opinion, you won't achieve 10-12% returns per year with ETFs :D
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@DonkeyInvestor I didn't even know that yet, merci👍 I'll take a look - the chart doesn't look bad
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@stefan_21 take a look here

Beat the MSCI World in the long term (>= 30 years) without any effort.

World vs. World Momentum Index

World vs. World Quality Index

World vs. World Value Index (+ conclusion)
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@stefan_21 When I look at the past, it should be feasible with what he has.
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@Seebi Well, I'm particularly critical of the sector ETFs - of course they can outperform if the sector is doing well, but they can also push returns down considerably. I would be very careful with the space ETF in particular...
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@stefan_21 Space ETF is also just a speculation, as I see the topic of space travel as very exciting for the future. Hence only a 5% share.
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@Seebi The past is not the same as the future, but I speculate that the topic of space travel is only now really taking off and that we are still at the beginning of AI, which means that the technology and chip sector will continue to have enormous development opportunities.
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