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Small improvement on sales with other listed companies in the Zeiss Group:
$1SXP has been listed on the stock exchange since last year. Spun off from Schott AG whose shares are in turn 100% owned by the Zeiss Foundation
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Otherwise great contribution
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur didn't know that they belonged to the Zeiss Group. Nevertheless, I would like to have the other Zeisses on the stock exchange
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@topicswithhead Otto Schott and Carl Zeiss were at university together and then business partners, quite an interesting story...

Me too, but apart from one or two spin-offs it will probably never happen.
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@topicswithhead especially the Semiconductor division, where ASML also holds shares
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@topicswithhead never, because Fraunhofer and especially Trumpf are still involved there.
I work in Ditzingen at Trumpf's EUV lasers and in lens production in Oberkochen at Zeiss 😅
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur I die with hope and even if I have to fight my way to the top to prepare an IPO in the end