I am currently 50% down for 1 year. Is just ne sector bet. I bought at the time without prior knowledge and on the basis of really great Internet reports 🙄 Whether it comes up again? No idea. Maybe. I still remain in it but my confidence is slowly fading.
@DividendenWaschbaer I invested back then. Because I liked the stocks it contained. At some point it was restructured, I didn't realize that and now I don't see myself in the etf anymore, but I don't want to sell at a loss
•@DividendenWaschbaer I'm just about to check what I'm doing. I made a bit of money last year with the movement in the chart. But selling would also hurt ....
•@DividendenWaschbaer so I sold it. My research didn't look so good....
•@MainTyp If I wasn't at -50%, I would also sell. So I treat it for what it is. A naive beginner's mistake on a sector bet that might work out in 2 or 3 years or I might get out with €0 😅
Maybe you could write a short report on your research and then link me to it? 🙂
Maybe you could write a short report on your research and then link me to it? 🙂
•@DividendenWaschbaer only -50% ? I had -69.69% purely on the position. Somewhat milder because I bought and sold at highs and ups. But the 69% on the rest!