Comentarios sobre la cartera de inversiones

$BTC (+0,18 %) This little treasure is saving my performance <3 $MARA (-0,07 %) I also see short-term potential up to €30-40.

I'm 24 years old, a student with limited capital available and big goals (under 30, 100k in the portfolio). That's why the large sums go into growth, but I still try to shift profits from volatile growth stocks here and there (Bitcoin excluded) into "safe" (dividend) ETFs.

Ignore the small caps - these are savings plans that have been scrapped and can only be sold at Consors with high fees. See no reason to sell them and just hold.

23.511,19 €
23,74 %
11 Comentarios

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Only crypto is positive for you. The rest is a +-0 business.
Why not simply save in a $VWCE or $IWDA in addition to crypto if the individual securities don't work out?
You then have a total of 2 positions.
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Far too many ant positions and then in stocks like PayPal or Plugpower. Especially when you're young, you should take everything that compounds as well as possible, so get rid of these low-performing dividend stocks. The Clean Energy ETF is too expensive and poorly diversified. Since you are from Berlin, I can recommend you to be in front of the windows at Hellofresh HQ around 3-5pm. You can easily watch meetings there including non-public info 🫠
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