
Dividend efits sensible or nonsensical?

What do you think of the following ETFs to add to your portfolio for regular cash flow? Some of these dividend ETFs have good dividend growth, others have outperformed the broad market at times. I am quite undecided. The Vaneck in particular, which is celebrated so much on YouTube, is an under performer in terms of price.

$FUSD (+0,66 %)

$TDIV (+0,7 %)

$GGRP (+0,49 %)

$FGEQ (+0,85 %)

Here is a comparison with the $HMWO (+1,24 %) (since the launch of the most recent ETF). The worst performer was Vaneck and the best was Fidelity US Income.


Here in figures. Whereby the Vaneck has even beaten the MSCI World over a 3-year period, probably because it was the only one to generate positive returns in 2022. I would find the Vaneck interesting because of its high European weighting with a low US weighting and the dividend growth.


Since the Fidelity US Quality Income has a 100% US positioning, I don't think the comparison with the MSCI World is very conclusive and therefore here again with the S&P 500.


Here is the basic data plus yield including distributions.


And finally the distribution data, in my opinion there is no clear winner here.

Fun fact, if you had all four ETFs in your portfolio, you would have 10 months of dividend distributions per year. However, you would also have a lot of overlaps and therefore a high cluster risk.

Final thought:

When I started my research, there were many more dividend ETFs to choose from, but many of them ultimately fell through. Originally, I had hoped to come to a clear conclusion. However, after a thorough analysis, I have to admit that I'm still not sure whether investing in dividend ETFs really makes sense. In view of the advantages and disadvantages, I tend to view such investments critically and possibly avoid them altogether.

Do you have dividend ETFs in your portfolios? If so, which ones?

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There aren't really any rational reasons to get a divi ETF if wealth accumulation is your goal...
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As many have already written: the only globally viable divi ETFs are $GGRP $FGEQ $TDIV.
I am invested in all 3 and that gives a nice mix of dividend yield, dividend growth and still quite good price growth.
However, I personally don't want to sell any shares later on, but rather live off the dividends bit by bit. I have therefore made a conscious decision to leave a little yield behind and focus exclusively on strong dividend ETFs.

But if you don't mind selling later, then just take a World and you'll be better off 🙂
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yep, you've named the best ones, for the reasons you mentioned I have chosen the $TDIV + the $FGEQ & $GGRP
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They're all flying out for me this year
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Hi Janet. As others say, sensible depending on what your goal is. Wealth accumulation? Then accumulating ETFs are better. Additional cash flow? Then yes, dividends are a possibility.

You can hold both types of ETFs, my accumulating ETFs are used to supplement my pension, my dividend ETFs and shares generate a small additional salary.

Unfortunately, I can't help you much with the choice, I also did some research and hardly any divi ETFs convinced me in terms of performance, just like you. Their price rises less than accumulating ETFs due to the lack of compound interest. This includes.

I don't think your analysis is wrong in itself. I myself have the $JEGP in my portfolio and am watching how it goes. You can still switch or sell if you change your mind.
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I had the $VUSA in my portfolio, but replaced it with $SPYL.
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You are on the right track with your assessments and considerations. As far as I know, however, the benchmarking on getquin only shows the share price performance without reinvested dividends. Naturally, Van Eck performs poorly because it has the highest payout ratio.
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After a similar comparison to yours, I decided on the $GGRP and now save in it monthly. The decision was also influenced by the fact that this Etf can be saved for free with my broker and the others would have cost €1.5 per savings rate.
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Except for the US, I have these too. I like them :)

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