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Don't you have to give your explicit consent if you want the dividend reinvested in the same share? And does this work for fractional shares?
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@wasi I'm not sure as I didn't give explicit consent or make a setting. It's the first time I've seen something like this in my portfolio. Since it is fractional, I assume it works - but it may depend on the broker. As far as I know, not every broker supports fractional shares.
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@DividendFocus I don't know of any broker who doesn't offer savings plans these days. Accordingly, these must be possible everywhere.
What is usually not possible is the transfer of fractions to another custody account
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The curious thing is... the same thing happened to me but only with Ares 70€ but now minus on the account
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@Tabularasa then you should have received the reminder today, if you haven't already balanced the account in the meantime. I find SC's behavior in the whole matter (i.e. doing virtually nothing except stupidly posting and spamming standard replies) pretty borderline.
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@_xempex_ I put something in instantly on the same day. Reminder came anyway 😂
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@Tabularasa I thought until the end that this was a mistake and would be corrected. I transferred something today, but to be honest I'm really annoyed by the poor or virtually non-existent support at SC.

I will now terminate all savings plans at SC and transfer the entire custody account to my main custody account at ING. That may cost a few euros more, but I've never had any major problems in the dozens of years I've been there. And ING also manages to proactively report things before they become an issue. :) This has often been a topic here at GQ. Cheap isn't everything, SC is perfect proof of the classic resource triangle dilemma. 🤣🤣

I've just initiated the deposit transfer, let's see how long it takes.