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S&P 500 - so called „World“ ETFs and other markets still follow US indices.
Hi @TheGuardian, thank you for your input. You are right, most global ETFs are heavily exposed to the US markets (50% or more). In my opinion, this is not necessarily a bad thing. However, I understand that broader diversification leads to more stable performance.
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@equity_enthusiast_54 I repeat from my other answers - I don’t believe in diversification just for the sake of it. S&P 500 -> 500 companies - World ETFs lower weighted with more than 1000 companies. So, dilution is what you get with diversification unless there is a strategy. I have 30+ years to look to and in that time I would focus on growth for half of that time before going defensive
@TheGuardian I understand what you are saying. I think your approach makes sense. I still need to think a bit before deciding on a strategy, but starting with higher risk/higher return and moving to a more defensive allocation later on makes sense