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I find €4400 in $TLRY very courageous... I somehow can't understand the large $RCK position either. The chart of the 2 shares alone says a lot. Why don't you focus more on growth or at least quality stocks?
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@Toname $RCK I agree, I will also sell as soon as they are back at plus minus 0, I have had them for a really long time and not much really happens. $TLRY is just an easy trade for me, profit is then shifted into the ETF
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@Bizzle can happen tomorrow or never with the +/-0. What about opportunity cost? To be honest, I see a lot of chasing hype stocks and little real strategy. And let's be honest: what's all this nonsense about "I always keep one share of the stocks I used to have more of"? Even in the worst-case scenario, you are tying up capital in companies that are apparently not worth investing more in or staying invested in. Sorry, somehow none of this makes sense Sinn🤷🏼‍♂️.
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@All-in-or-nothing thanks that you simply remain respectful I find strong :), finds nice that you wrote that, bissle I can take with me, but you could have written something nicer. But hey, not everyone is happy :)