@EValueinvest I had a look at your portfolio on wikifolio. I think the comparison is not quite fair (15.3% per year), since you probably started churning in at the Corona low. If you look at 1 year and compare it to a MsCI World, the portfolio underperforms by more than 7%. I think you always have to be a little careful with something like that. You also have a portfolio (probably the same?) in chf and that started later and is clearly in the red. Does not mean that the strategy can not work, but at the moment it does not work in the bear market, but I am very curious how it looks in 2-3 years. Wish you only the best. Personally, I keep it more with time in the market beats timing the market and am satisfied with msci world etf average return ;)
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@Markus1987 absolutely correct, the good timing was pure coincidence & had little to do with good foresight - in February 2020 I honestly wouldn't have expected us to be in lockdown a month later & prices to crash like that. Just as I didn't expect them to recover so quickly & a war to break out in Europe in 2022. To be fair, I didn't go all in in March 2020, but bought two positions each month in equal tranches starting in February 2020. That's how some positions came into the portfolio at rock bottom prices but also some positions at higher prices. I started the second portfolio precisely to have a comparison of how much the accidental good timing makes a difference. My hope & expectation is that the start timing will matter less and less as the time to maturity increases (>10 years) and then a statement can be made for it as to whether the strategy is working. Scientifically, both the trending value strategy as well as momentum is well researched and should allow for long term excess returns over the market. Whether this is the case in the future we will find out so - I am still confident and try to report as transparently as possible. Here I have still summarized the core elements of the strategy: https://www.valueinvestments.ch/anlagestrategie-verm%C3%B6gensverwaltung Thanks for your inputs 🙂 I am always happy about constructive feedback.
@EValueinvest Thanks for the transparency. I keep my fingers crossed that you make more alpha.